The La Crete Library Society has been accepted to apply for funding through the Community Facility Enhancement Program for the building expansion to the library. We are still short of our goal and continue to seek funds, pledges and/or in-kind donations to add to the matching grant we are applying for. Have you added your contribution to our cause? The addition would add much needed space for materials and programming. The expansion plan includes removing the old trailer that has been rapidly deteriorating over the last few years.
If every patron (currently we have 4500 patrons), gave $10 that would make $45,000 that could be used towards the matching grant request.
The expansion plan includes a two-story addition to provide extra space for collections, computer stations and programming room. If successful in receiving the matching facility grant, the planned building would commence in the spring of 2025. The grant application deadline is the end of August.
Please consider giving today for this much needed community project!
Library Society Seeks Funding Pledges for an expansion to the current library building!
The Library Society is now seeking pledges to apply for a grant to expand the current building. The library is at full capacity without room to expand or to offer any programming options to the public.
We need your help! In order to apply for a major matching grant we need to collect monetary or in-kind pledges. Businesses and individuals can help us achieve our goal to add on a sufficient amount of space to meet the current needs of the library services offered. Pledge forms for patrons are available at the library. Currently the Society has fundraised $200,000 towards the estimated cost of $1.4 million. The library serves 4,942 patrons within Mackenzie County. If each patron gave/pledged $10 that would raise $49,942 which would mean the grant would match that amount! Completed forms may be dropped off at the library or emailed to To view the business pledge forms and draft library expansion plans click the Word and PDF files below.
Thank you for supporting your local library in this venture!
Handover of the old La Crete ATB building to Mackenzie County
On September 10, 2015 ATB delegates from Edmonton and Calgary officially handed over the keys and title of the old ATB building and property in La Crete to Mackenzie County for use as a library facility. The La Crete Community Library Society is very excited to begin renovation planning to make this building into a library that continues to offer its patrons quality library services. Thank you ATB!